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Version: v0.13.2


Get the ExecCredential certificate data used to access the API server.

It has the following features:

  • Automatically obtains a new certificate before the certificate expires.
  • Supports using temporary certificate.


$ ack-ram-tool credential-plugin get-credential --cluster-id <clusterId>

"kind": "ExecCredential",
"apiVersion": "",
"spec": {
"interactive": false
"status": {
"expirationTimestamp": "2023-04-20T09:29:06Z",
"clientCertificateData": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIID***\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"clientKeyData": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIE***\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"


ack-ram-tool credential-plugin get-credential [flags]

--api-version string v1 or v1beta1 (default "v1beta1")
-c, --cluster-id string The cluster id to use
--credential-cache-dir string Directory to cache credential (default "~/.kube/cache/ack-ram-tool/credential-plugin")
--expiration duration The credential expiration (default 3h0m0s)
-h, --help help for get-credential

Global Flags:
-y, --assume-yes Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively
--ignore-aliyun-cli-credentials don't try to parse credentials from config.json of aliyun cli
--ignore-env-credentials don't try to parse credentials from environment variables
--log-level string log level: info, debug, error (default "info")
--profile-file string Path to credential file (default: ~/.aliyun/config.json or ~/.alibabacloud/credentials)
--profile-name string using this named profile when parse credentials from config.json of aliyun cli
--region-id string The region to use (default "cn-hangzhou")


-c, --cluster-idYesCluster ID
--api-versionv1beta1Specify which version of apiVersion to use in the returned data. v1beta1 represents, and v1 represents
--expiration3h0m0sSpecify the certificate expiration time. When it is 0, it means not to use a temporary certificate but to use a longer valid certificate (the expiration time is automatically determined by the server).
--credential-cache-dir~/.kube/cache/ack-ram-tool/credential-pluginDirectory used to cache the certificate