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Version: v0.16.0


Global Flags:
-y, --assume-yes Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_ASSUME_YES")
--ignore-aliyun-cli-credentials don't try to parse credentials from config.json of aliyun cli (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_IGNORE_ALIYUN_CLI_CREDENTIALS")
--ignore-env-credentials don't try to parse credentials from environment variables (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_IGNORE_ENV_CREDENTIALS")
--log-level string log level: info, debug, error (default "info") (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_LOG_LEVEL")
--profile-file string Path to credential file (default: ~/.aliyun/config.json or ~/.alibabacloud/credentials) (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_PROFILE_FILE")
--profile-name string using this named profile when parse credentials from config.json of aliyun cli (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_PROFIL_ENAME")
--region-id string The region to use (default "cn-hangzhou") (env: "ACK_RAM_TOOL_REGION_ID")
-v, --verbose Make the operation more talkative


-y, --assume-yesfalse为 true 时,程序将自动执行,不再询问是否继续操作
--ignore-aliyun-cli-credentialsfalse为 true 时,查找凭证信息时将忽略 aliyun cli 的配置文件
--ignore-env-credentialsfalse为 true 时,查找凭证信息时将忽略环境变量中的凭证信息
--profile-name当使用 aliyun cli 配置文件时,使用指定的配置集中定义的凭证配置
--region-idcn-hangzhou访问 open api 时使用的 region 信息
-v, --verbosefalse快速启用 debug 模式